The need for the films came from feedback from both clinicians and patients who when faced with a cancer diagnosis there is a significant amount of information to take in, during an overwhelming and emotional time.
Whilst there is good written information to assist, information would be more easily understood with the aid of live visuals.
Having a video that the patient and their family members can watch, as often as they need, is a helpful way to provide the latest factual information, in a thoughtful, clear and reassuring manner. Additionally, it is likely that the appropriate use of such information in addition to written information will speed consultation times and improve patients' experience of the service.
The films, launched in 2018, share personal testimony by patients at the Churchill Cancer Centre, alongside in-depth interviews with clinicians, to help patients prepare for treatment.
The Ashley Charitable Trust is pleased to support and fund the creation and update of these films, with a programme of new films to appear in the months and years ahead.